Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Links for August 31, 2011

1. Public Accounts Committee recommends liquidation of Public Enterprises
...the PAC suggested the liquidation of National Construction Company, Nepal Engineering Consultancy Service Centre and Timber Corporation of Nepal
The report has asked the government to merge Krisi Samagri Company and National Seed Company, Industrial Estate Management Ltd with National Productivity and Economic Development Centre, and Herbs Production and Processing Corporation with Nepal Medicine Ltd and Singhdurbar Baidhyakhana, and Rural Housing Company with Nepal Housing and Finance. has recommended the government to convert Nepal Television and Gorkhapatra Santhan into company to make them more competent.

2. Ilam's remarkable rise in milk production

*In 2009, they produced 96,342 metric tons
*In 2010, they produced 99,200 metric tons
*Ilam is the second largest milk producer district after Kavre in the country
*140,000 cows including hybrid-cows and 2,768 hybrid buffaloes have been reared in the district
*80 percent of milk produced in Ilam is sold in Biratnagar

3. Build roads, and they'll overcome poverty. An exmaple from Myagdi district.

4. Govt apathy puts lives of people in danger. An example from the Nepalese LP gas industry.

5. Bahrain Air resumes Ktm flights

6. Department of Labor to study, and record foreign workers in Nepal
...around 7,000 foreigners are currently working in the private sector with work permits...but DoL estimates that more than 20,000 foreign nationals are working with NGOs and INGOs alone...government and private sector organizations estimate the actual number of foreign nationals working in Nepal to be over 50,000

7. Israel's Prime Minister's wife accused of ill-treating the Nepali nurse hired to take care of her elderly father.

8. Some basic health indicators of Nepal and its neighbors

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